I titled this post "Getting Some Art" instead of Collecting Art because it does not deal with the kind of serious art collecting associated with Sotheby's and Swiss vaults. Instead, I am hoping to share a few thoughts about collecting a range of art to aesthetically enhance your environment. Specifically, I am interested in discussing art as an emotional investment, as opposed to a speculative investment made in hopes of financial profit. I have never really thought about what my art might be worth in terms of dollars. I would be very happy if my "art collection" were worth approximately what I spent. I would not, however, be very upset to hear that it was worth next to nothing. Why not? This would have very little to do with my emotional connection to the works. Further, I intend to hold these works forever or else pass them onto family members. I do not prize my art for its monetary value but each piece's enduring ability to communicate important things t...